Fellow Robots
My beginnings at Fellow Robots were humble enough. A college acquaintance was working at the small startup while Fellow Robots was just being birthed out of Singularity University — a Silicon Valley Incubator. He needed help transporting and re-assembling the Customer Service robot between the offices at S.U. and Orchard Supply Hardware in San Jose. OSHBot functioned as an autonomous self-navigating customer service robot. Users could look up any item in the store, and OSHbot would take them there.
Autonomous Self-Navigating
Customer Service
The following video was my first commercial video work. This was the pitch.
On the eve of OSHbot's inauguration, work started on the next iteration of the robot. A robot that could put a dollar value to out-of-stock inventory and provide proof of ROI. Enter NAVii™.
This was the beginning of refinement.
Introducing NAVii™
Introducing NAVii™
Autonomous Self-Navigating
Inventory management
Customer Service
Inventory Management
The first few iterations of inventory management were crude but successful. My colleague and I worked together to hackathon a “backpack” module that mounted onto OSHbot. I selected the imaging system and lighting configuration given the data capture requirements and the confines of the retail store. Capturing photographs of the aisles at regular intervals allowed us to create the datasets which laid the foundation for the development of Fellow Robot's A.I. computer vision stock detection.
Iteration Iteration Iteration
The advantage and power of robotics are rapid scalability, modular iterative advancements, and generational adaptations. Navii was exactly all of those brought together into one. It was developed from the ground up to be aesthetically approachable in any executive environment, its chassis and lines were sleekend and prepped for scalable production. Navii’s software suite was made enterprise-ready and its operative reliability increased ten-fold through constant updates to its navigation package, computer vision and A.I. package, and feedback from operating during retail hours in both LOWE’s and BEVMO.
After Developing the Imaging System
Trusted with creative vision
Fellow Robots trusted my creative vision and creative growth, providing me the opportunity to produce multiple advertisements and media packets for distribution to investors such as the following samples.
We leveraged my ability to perform semiotic analyses on various themes and motifs and incorporate their use in couching the robot’s use case within an overarching narrative. Fast turnaround time was a must, as the Venture-Capital, Tech, Retail, and Robotics industries collided in a whirlwind of experimentation that required next-day pitches and same-day video production.
Opening week for PARCO Mall in Sendai, Japan featuring NAVii™